Choose the present perfect or past simple

Choose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simple
Choose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simple
Choose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simpleChoose the present perfect or past simple