Read the sentences are they true

Read the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they true
Read the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they true
Read the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they trueRead the sentences are they true